Making Facebook Ads that Convert | Social Nucleus Blog

Monday, July 5th, 2021

When looking to make Facebook ads that convert, it can be a little tricky knowing where to start. One of the key things to remember is that there is a comprehensive set of considerations to make, from visuals and copy to analytics and tracking. In this blog, we’ll detail a few tips and tricks that can help boost your Facebook conversions.

How to Boost Facebook Conversions

Conversion Events

Let’s start with the absolute basics; setting your conversion events. This means deciding what it is you want people to do after seeing your ad. Generally speaking, you’ll pick one of the types Facebook offers, whether that’s adding to cart or following through with a purchase, though you can set your own if there are specific goals you want to meet, such as lead generation.

Of course, you’ll need different ads for different conversion events and ensuring you target the right one is vital in meeting your objectives. Conversion events are the first step in boosting Facebook conversions.

Killer Creatives

With any Facebook Ad, you want to get the audience’s attention as quickly as possible. One of the most effective ways to do that is with high-quality visuals. This is the first step in boosting conversions as, the more attention your ads get, the more clicks you’ll generate, and these should ultimately lead to better conversion rates.

Bespoke content always performs better than generic, stock photos. You want your ads to speak to audiences, letting them know that your brand is the one they need. This requires a huge amount of testing with different types of content, from photos to GIFs and Videos. You’ll also have to experiment with the format content is delivered and find which works best for your brand or product.

For example, carousels can be a great way to show off a variety of products in a specific range, while a single image ad will centre the focus on one image and might be more suitable for a single product as a result.

Whatever form you use, you have to make sure the imagery is the best quality possible. If the sizing or resolution is off, then this will give a poor first impression to prospective customers. While killer creatives can be the thing that initially attracts people to your brand, poor ones can have the opposite effect.

Engaging Copy

While visual content is the thing that will immediately catch your audience’s eye, ad copy is the thing that will get them to click the link. There is no universal formula for creating engaging copy. What works for your brand will depend on the industry, the audience you’re trying to speak to and many other factors. However, there are some general rules and tips that can help.

One of these is to keep copy as concise as possible. When it comes to ads, short and snappy sentences tend to be much more effective in conveying values and key information than long paragraphs. Try to get your message across in as few words as possible and it will be more easily digestible for the audience.

Speaking of audiences, another important thing to keep in mind is who you’re talking to. For example, if you’re a B2B brand marketing towards other professionals, then it may be appropriate to use lots of jargon and adopt a fairly authoritative tone of voice. However, if you’re speaking to a consumer audience, then going into technical detail might not get results.

They don’t have to know all the ins and outs, just the key points presented in an approachable way. Identifying your audience and knowing what language to use when speaking to them is vital in getting them to click that all-important link.

Finally, and perhaps most importantly, incorporate clear CTAs into your messaging. No matter what it is you’re selling or where you are trying to direct the audience, Calls To Action are absolutely vital. Combining this with an incentive can make them even more effective, for example ‘Shop online now and get 5%!’ contains both a directive for your audience and a reason for them to follow through with it.

Landing pages and destinations

One of the most important things to consider when making Facebook Ads is your brand’s landing page. Even the best creatives and copy won’t mean anything if this isn’t up to scratch.

For example, if your page takes over a minute to load, looks visually unappealing and doesn’t direct them to products or range mentioned in the ads, then prospective customers are going to be put off. Facebook Ads merely direct users to a destination, the strength of your landing pages is what determines whether they will convert or not.

There are several things you can do to boost your chances here. To start, consistency between your ads and landing pages is key. If you’re advertising for a certain product on your site, you need to make sure users are directed to that specific page.

This is because customers want to get to their purchase in as few clicks as possible, not browse your site looking for the item. If they are immediately brought to a good product page, with clear calls to action and enticing USPs, then they will be much more likely to make a purchase.

Another important thing to remember is that you will need to implement FB Pixel to track the purchases on the chosen page. Accurate stats are massively important, as they will show you which ads are working, and which are not. From there, you can begin to optimise your ads and get the best results possible.

Get Help From the Experts!

These are just a few tips that can help boost your conversion rates, but the reality is it takes a lot of work to fully optimise this. Often, this is too much to do alone, as you will need dedicated copywriters, designers and more to get the most out of your Facebook Ads campaigns.

At Social Nucleus, we have the resources and teams that can help take your brand to the next level. We’ll craft effective campaigns and ads and display them to the right audiences. We use analytics and data to optimise these, ensuring you’re getting the most out of your ad spend. If you’re interested in boosting your conversion rates, get in touch today!