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Why Every eCommerce Business Should Choose Shopify

Why Every eCommerce Business Should Choose Shopify

Calling all new business owners… or business owners in general: if you’re not on Shopify, here’s exactly why you should be. 

When it comes to building your eCommerce business, there are so many options available to you. It can be overwhelming and often tempting to choose the first thing you see. However, we tell every client that comes onboard to move their website to Shopify if they haven’t already, so we thought we do a breakdown of all the reasons why Shopify is the best option. 

Big brands use Shopify

A lot of big-name brand use Shopify, which really builds the picture of why it is a go-to choice for ANY brand. Brands such as Tesla, Nestle and Kylie Cosmetics are all Shopify users and are all extremely successful. If that isn’t enough to persuade you, let us give you more options. 

Customer experience

Your customer’s experience should always be at the forefront of your mind. You want users to be able to navigate your website easily and find what they’re looking for. With Shopify, customising your website layout is super easy and anyone can do it. It will look flawless and most importantly, it will run smoothly.

There’s nothing worse than a slow website that’s hard to navigate and you can eliminate this worry with Shopify’s easy customisation tools to guarantee a positive customer experience. 

Variety of apps to enhance the site

There are a variety of apps you can access when using Shopify to enhance your site and improve customer experience even further. Some of our favourites are:

  • Loox Reviews: Loox is a fully-featured product review app that enables online businesses to automatically collect customer reviews with photos and beautifully display happy customer content. Using this app you can boost your trust, drive word of mouth and referrals, and increase customer retention and sales.
  • Candy Rack: If you’re not familiar with the concept of upselling, this is essentially how you take the purchase of one item worth £50 and turn it into a sale of three items worth £100, simply by recommending additional, associated products to the customer.

This could sound like quite a manual task but by adding the Candy Rack app to your Shopify site, you can set it up in just 16 seconds (according to them anyway). Candy Rack automates branded design pop-ups on your site that appear when specific items are purchased, recommending related add-ons to the customer, often at a discounted rate. 

  • Privy: There’s a reason more than 18,000 Shopify merchants have given Privy a 5-star rating. This app helps eCommerce owners sell more in many ways. Firstly through converting more visitors. Privy allows you to grow your email lists with pop-ups and on-site announcements that grab visitors attention before they leave your site. 

Affordable, discounts offered on annual plans

Another advantage of using Shopify is the affordability. It is competitively priced compared to other website hosts and a great option if you’re on a budget.

If paying monthly isn’t for you, Shopify also provide discounts on annual plans and biennial plans. If you opt for an annual subscription, you will receive a 10% discount. If biennial is more up your street, you can enjoy a very generous 20% discount.

User support

Shopify have a huge user support and assistance programme in place. Agents are knowledgeable, friendly and are available 24/7. They are trained to handle any issues from uploading fonts to setting up shipping options. Using Shopify gives you the confidence to run your website confidently, knowing that any issues can be handled at the click of a button.

There are our top 5 reasons why YOU should be using Shopify above any other website host. If you need help building your website via Shopify, get in touch with our expert team to find out how we can help your business!


Jargon in Writing – Should You Use Jargon in Your Copy?

Jargon in Writing – Should You Use Jargon in Your Copy?

Wondering whether or not to use industry-specific jargon in your copy? Where is and isn’t it acceptable to use jargon in advertising copy? Find out the ins and outs of using jargon right in today’s blog. 

When it comes to copywriting, one of the first rules we’re taught it to get rid of complicated language, aka jargon. People respond to simple words. Don’t overcomplicate things. That’s what we’re always told right? 

When you look at using jargon objectively, is it really all that bad? Well, for the majority of the time, using jargon can be detrimental to your copy. However, in some exceptions, it can be acceptable to use it and it may even maximise your sales. Let us explain.

What is jargon?

Jargon is defined as “special words or expressions used by a profession or group that are difficult for others to understand”. Naturally, you would assume NOT to use jargon as a copywriter, as making your copy hard to understand defeats the whole purpose of writing copy. 

However, jargon CAN be used to create a sense of enhanced value. You can make the ordinary seem extraordinary by playing with words. We’re not saying over complicate your copy for the sake of it. But if you’re writing about a technical topic, there are lots of industries that have their own language. Being aware of your target audience is super important here so knowing your terminology and using it correctly is an effective way of using jargon in your copy.

When to not use jargon in copy

So when do we not use jargon? There’s a fine line when it comes to using jargon. Steven King even called it the copywriting equivalent of the dandelion. One is fine, but if you’re not careful, you can get covered in their little flowers. You then won’t be able to see your lawn or tell the difference between grass and flower stalks. See the analogy we’re going for here? 

It goes without saying that if you’re writing for a broad, open audience that doesn’t have specialist knowledge, using too much jargon immediately renders your copy unreadable. You won’t be able to relate to them and persuade them to purchase. However, if you know your audience does have this specialist knowledge, go for it. Don’t overdo it, but you can definitely afford to sprinkle a bit in here and there, simply to create a sense of enhanced value. You can use it to build trust and make your copy more compelling.

For example, let’s take coffee:

Avid coffee drinkers will know what a latte is and if you’re a fan of Starbucks, you’ll know that grande means large. To give your customers a sense of enhanced value, change a ‘large coffee’ to a ‘grande latte’. Sounds a lot better right? Your customers understand this jargon which makes them feel important and therefore, more likely to convert.

So, in conclusion, when in doubt, ditch the jargon. As a strong copywriter, you should always try and establish your audiences beforehand. This will allow you to form a supported decision about whether or not you should be using jargon. If you know your audience will understand it, use it …but still, use it sparingly. 


Our Top Valentine’s Day Marketing Campaigns

Our Top Valentine’s Day Marketing Campaigns

Wondering what it takes to create the ultimate Valentine’s Day marketing campaign? Here’s some inspiration from 5 of our all time favourites. 

Valentine’s Day – the day of love and romance, but for us marketers, an opportunity to create a smashing campaign with a compelling message. Today, we’re going to share with you some of our favourite valentine’s day campaigns from all over the world.

1. KFC and Deliveroo (Singapore)

Last year, KFC and Deliveroo coupled up (get it?) for their Valentine’s Day campaigns. “Will Deliveroo be my Valentine?” was their campaign name and allowed couples to pre-order home delivery of the KFC love meal combo, which included a chicken dinner and a limited-edition KFC bucket ring.

It’s the perfect combination and brought together two strong brands. They really played off the fact that their businesses go hand in hand and that by joining forces, they could provide customers with a deal that was too good to resist. 

Deliveroo and KFC couple up for a Valentine's Day KFC bucket ring

Image credit: 

2. Coors Light

In 2020, Coors Light beer called for singletons to abandon finding their true love and to instead, adopt a dog! This campaign was particularly powerful as they created a fun and playful campaign whilst also promoting an amazing cause.

They offered $100 towards dog adoption fees to the first 1000 people who qualified. They used this Valentine’s day campaign to boost sales and promote a good cause. Great marketing.

3. Ted Baker 

In 2016, Ted Baker hit the nail on the head with their Sole Mates campaign.

Through their clever use of puns and the creation of a playful campaign, Ted Baker invited fans to an interactive game of “hook your solemate” where they could win up to £1000 on a shopping spree.

Their sales rocketed and fans were also encouraged to share the game with friends and family – the perfect bit of shareable content to boost brand awareness. 

Ted Baker - Solemates - Digital Campaign on Behance

Image credit:

4. Virgin Trains

Virgin Trains Valentine’s Love Carriage campaign of 2016 promoted their £42 million re-vamp of trains. Fred Sireix was the face of the campaign, championing both the train service and his belief in true love. The campaign offered singletons a matchmaking train journey from King’s Cross to York, exclusively on the 14th of February. Watch their ad to see just how powerful this campaign was.

5. Hooters

It’s no secret that Valentine’s Day doesn’t go swimmingly for everyone. Hooters played on this with their Twitter Campaign of 2020 with the phrase “Shred em and forget em”. Hooters offered 10 free boneless wings with the purchase of 10 wings when customers shared a photo of an ex to dispose of in the “best possible way” so that the “healing can begin”. They shared this on Twitter and received a great response.

So, what does it take to create a great Valentine’s day campaign? 

✔️ Offer unbeatable deals

✔️ Be relatable

✔️ Work with a charity or a good cause where possible

✔️ Be playful and fun

✔️ Play on people’s emotions and pain points (not everyone has a valentine!)

If you’re the mind behind an EPIC Valentine’s Day campaign this year, share it with us and maybe it’ll be in our top 5 next year!


The Secret to Effective Branding

The Secret to Effective Branding

Let’s talk branding. Branding is usually seen as the most important aspect of your business. Slapping together a logo is NOT brand strategy. You need to execute a well thought out strategy to promote your brand, relate to audiences, and more importantly become a memorable figure. So, what do you need to cover before you create a successful brand?

Firstly, what are your brand objectives? What are you setting out to do, achieve, complete?
Secondly, who are your customers? You’ll want to cover demographics such as age, location, gender, etc. And finally, how does your brand define long term success? What is the end goal? Answering these questions will set you up for a great start. Next up is brand building. The definition of brand building is to generate awareness about your business using strategies. You want to create a unique and lasting reputation in the marketplace. Having a strong brand strategy will highlight how your brand is different, trustworthily, memorable, and likeable to the ideal customer. You want to convey your brand purpose and promises. A brand strategy is the most crucial foundation for building a successful brand.

You then need to focus on brand identity, the way you convey your brand to consumers with visuals and messaging. This needs to cover everything from the logo, colours, fonts, website design to the content you use. Creating a memorable and recognisable brand identity is key to success.

You may be asking; how do I build a brand that people love? You need to uncover your ideal customer and really understand who you’re targeting and why. Then ask yourself what differentiates you from the rest? What problems do you solve for the customer? Why should people care about you? These answers will provide a strong foundation, and hopefully give you some inspiration for taglines, slogans, and key messaging. Dig deep and uncover as much as possible at this stage.

Competitor research is also super important here. You should never copy others, but you HAVE to be aware of what they’re doing well, and even what they’re doing not so well. The goal here is to stand out from this competition. Why should customers choose you over them?

In short, here is a list of things to aim for when building a brand

– Consistency
– Creative messaging
– A strong and memorable logo
– A strong social media presence
– Personality and individuality
– Discover your story
– Customer research
– Competitor research
– A strong mission statement

Still need some help creating a strong brand? Book a call with one of our experts to find out how we can help your brand flourish.