Ad Copy That Converts | Social Nucleus Blog

Monday, February 21st, 2022

Writing creative ad copy is one thing. But writing creative ad copy that converts is another thing. There are some vital steps you need to understand before attempting to write ad copy. General copywriting and direct response copywriting are two very different skills, but nonetheless interchangeable. Once you have one nailed, picking up the other will be a breeze.

This post is going to walk you through the tips and tricks we have accumulated over the years and hopefully provide you with some fresh knowledge and inspiration to kickstart your awesome ad copywriting skills.

Before you get started, it’s super important to understand your target audience. What’s the age range? Gender? Location? There are so many aspects you need to know before writing good ad copy, so make sure you understand this before you start. If you’re writing for a cold audience, you want to avoid using jargon or any other technical terms. However, if you’re writing for people who you know will have specialist knowledge, you can afford to use some technicalities to create a sense of enhanced value.

There’s no point stabbing in the dark when it comes to your target audience as we promise you, you will not see any valuable results. Once you’ve established your target audience, you can conduct some market research. What are competitor brands doing that have the same target audience? How have they written their ads? Once you’re clear on this, you can really get stuck in!

How to Develop a TOV

Your tone of voice is super important to writing creative ad copy. A lot of businesses dismiss TOV, thinking it not important but this can lead to their downfall. It’s so important that you nail your tone of voice early on as it helps build your brand image and keeps it strong. Having a strong TOV allows customers to instantly recognise your ads, feel familiar with them, almost at home with your work. It allows customers to put some trust in your brand. The TOV you write with becomes familiar to them and builds rapport from the onset. A strong TOV will always be listened to and it ultimately becomes the way you connect with your audience.

Not sure how to create your TOV? An effective TOV is all part of your branding strategy, You need to understand your backstory, what your brand stands for, what you set out to achieve tec. These conversations within your business will usually help you establish a TOV that can be adapted or maintained as you grow.

Top Tips for Writing Facebook Ad Copy

Writing effective Facebook ad copy is much like writing a great novel (or a blog post). It takes time, skill, and great understanding to learn all the industry tips and tricks. Luckily for you, we’re experts in this field and we have compiled a list of effective techniques that we know will work.

✔️ Punchy headlines – Your Facebook headline will likely be the first thing prospects see. This is where you can use a CTA (call to action) such as ‘Shop Now’ or ‘Order Yours Now’ etc. However, these can be a bit repetitive and boring, so why not add some incentives. Change ‘Shop Now’ to ‘Shop Now – Just £59!’ or ‘Order Yours Now’ to ‘Order Yours Before It’s Too Late’. Adding a sense of urgency or an incentive is always a good idea.

✔️ Placements – It’s important to understand your placements before you write your Facebook ads. Your ad can end up in multiple places, such as the Facebook News Feed, Marketplace, Video Feeds, Right Columns, etc. If your ad is going to be shown to audiences in the right Column, for example, they will only ever see your headline, not the body text. It’s important to make sure you adapt your text correctly to each placement to maximise sales… so you may want to have another read of the above bullet point.

✔️ Bullet point your USP’s- Another technique we find works very well when it comes to Facebook ad copy is bullet points. Audiences don’t want to sit and read blocks of text. If you make your copy too long, it’s likely they will scroll past your ad without a second thought. Bullet pointing your USP’s or sales pitches in short-form copy is likely to attract more attention and give your prospect all the information they need quickly and effectively.

Emojis vs No Emojis

Emojis have been a crucial part of ad copy for years. Since Apple released them in late 2012, they’ve come a long way since being just cute little yellow faces. They’re now regarded as a serious part of copywriting, especially when writing Facebook ads. In many cases, emojis in ad copy leads to much higher click-through rates and a whole load more engagement. Emojis can also increase the number of reactions and comments on your ads, which is important for beating the Facebook algorithm. They allow you to convey a simple and clear message, ensuring readers don’t misinterpret your intentions. Emojis have been accepted as part of our contemporary culture, so they immediately make your post more relatable. There will be some clients, however, who have a more professional and serious TOV, so for these guys, it’s maybe best to avoid emojis (again, this is just another reason why establishing your TOV is super important).

Google Ad Copy

Writing Google ad copy is slightly different. Many of your competitors are using dynamic keyword insertion and bidding on similar keywords. You’ll notice a lot of their ads say the same thing so it’s easy to get lost in these ads and hurt your chances of getting those clicks. So, how can you stand out? Focus on what prospects want to accomplish with your product or service. Give visitors that end solution they are looking for. Tell them what they want to hear.

So, there you have it. Our top tips and tricks for writing creative ad copy that WILL convert. If you still don’t think writing ad copy is for you, get in touch with us to see how we can help. We have an expert team of copywriters in-house who love what they do and will be just as passionate about your business as you are.